Cynthia Cannell Literary Agency
A full-service literary agency in New York City


Sam Sifton appears on "Good Morning America" on NO-RECIPE RECIPES publication day

NYTimes Cooking NO-RECIPE RECIPES Cover.jpg

Sam Sifton’s THE NEW YORK TIMES COOKING NO-RECIPE RECIPES is out today from Ten Speed Press! Sam made an appearance on “Good Morning America” this morning, preparing a few of the book’s flexible, creative dishes. He also chatted with Alison Stewart yesterday to get the word out on WNYC’s “All of It.”

In his new book, Sam delivers more than one hundred no-recipe recipes to make with the ingredients you have on hand or could pick up on a quick trip to the store. You’ll see how to make these meals as big or as small as you like, substituting ingredients as you go.

Read more about the book here and please join us in congratulating Sam!